A bit about Benjamin
I’ve always believed there is something ‘more’ than what we see, smell, taste, touch and hear… and now I know that Scientists think we can only perceive 2% of reality (98% we cannot) then I wasn’t far off. The quest to understand more sent me in many directions and over 10 years used discernment, my own life and most importantly evidence of changes, to really believe that we do have control over our lives. Of course I can’t control my outer world – and I’m not sure I would want that task – but I can control my thoughts, my actions and my behaviours and this alone gave me SO more more personal power…and that knowledge is what I love to share.
Now this is where it really started to get interesting for me, I realised the correlation between how I was thinking, feeling and ‘putting out there’ to what I got ‘back’ from my world. I realised what was going on inside, mirrored in my day outside…or as what many a book, teacher, philosopher calls…The Law of Attraction. This knowledge has been made more and more mainstream by the book/video ‘The Secret’ to name one….many people around the world have changed their life by changing the one thing they do have control over…themselves.
So, why did I get into this? Well I realised there were millions who have read the books – or are new and interested in changing their lives – but seems a bit stuck…like they need a tweak to get back on track. A bit like someone singing slightly off key, they are only slightly off the note…but it doesn’t sound – or feel -good. Over the years unofficially I coached hundreds of people to live better lives. During this time I realised I had intuition – well we all have it – and when I picked up on things with friends & family they were always right, so I started to trust this more and became installed into my 1-2-1 sessions.
Roll onto now, I am without doubt the happiest I have been, I have a great friends, a lovely house and am also travelling the country in my campervan Daisy. I also realised my true joy was helping people help themselves, helping them see the tweaks needed to make small – but massive – changes to their lives…all starting with them. They resonated with the fact that they create their own reality but couldn’t see the bumps in their road, that’s where I come in.
During my sessions – or ‘chats’ as I prefer to call them – we chew over a issue, problem, scenario from the ‘universal view’ and using my intuition – and knowledge I’ve personally learned- I help you get on the note, get back in key and then your life will soar.
I have probably been through everything you have and I am can’t promise you an utopian life but once you start to take responsibility for your own life – and stop giving it away – you will feel a freedom like no other. I’ve made the change – and continue to do so – so if I can do it, then so can you.